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These are my mares in late October 2004. All good percheron horses.
Links repaired Friday, Nov 5, 2004.
There have been some changes since last year. A year ago I had two good heavy-weight grade mares [Katie and Tuck] and with Tuck in foal. Tucks first foal [Heather] is now 2 years old and looking to be a very good heavy-weight like her dam. This past spring Tuck died. This was a very serious loss to me because I needed a good heavy team. I have been investing in my shop and producing our first video for DVD, so for now, I am now out of money and must wait to build another team.
The colts have not been trained for pulling yet. This winter or early next spring I will have them trained.
Here are pictures of Katie and Heather. Heather was Tuck's first colt. Heather is going to be at least as large as her dam, possibly 17-3 hands or more. Katie is 17-2. Katie is the larger of the two since she is fully grown and she has the arrowhead star. Heather is 2-1/2 years old and has the tiny crescent shaped start on the right side of her forehead.
This past spring, I added a couple new filly colts in April. Queen [Willie's Clanton Creek Queen US291739] and Elsie [R & Rs Elsie US292174]. At right are pictures of Queen and Elsie. Queen has the blaze on her forehead. Elsie has no markings.
Better photos to be added here later.
Updated Sunday, September 22, 2019
Page created on: November 2nd, 2004.