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UPDATED September 17, 2019.
Articles dealing with everything from 'theories of what makes good tools' to pitfalls of studying old tools and old ways of doing things, to fallacies others choose to believe.
May 15th, 2001. These articles deal with unusual aspects and my own ideology of our work and the work of others. Some will be quite fun or humorous. Some will infuriate those members of smithing cliques who whole-heatedly believe the dogmas fed to them. I don't care. I'm in it for the joy of producing things of beauty and function. To hell with the rest of them.
Looking At Armour -
Can ou see what is wrong with this suit of armour? When looking at armour in a
museum we would all expect to see flawless construction and setup and repairs.
Visit my page here {Looking at Armour
http://www.beautifuliron.com/looking.htm } and see if you can guess what went wrong with the armour in the photos. I will
explain what went wrong after armoursmiths have a chance to see the photos and
take their best guess.
Mistakes do happen. Some mistakes can be quite humorous. It's up to the serious student in any given field to look out for mistakes in their field of study.
Updated May 15th, 2001.
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